We were so happy to have had two young single adult baptisms this past month. First was Aimee, whose mother joined the Church recently. Aimee was then taught and accepted the gospel. She was also already friends with one of our YSAs, and has been coming to Institute and activities. Aimee is very sweet, and has been rather reserved and quiet, but right after she was baptized, she punched the air and did a wee jig of joy in the font. It surprised everyone, including her. She has been "coming out of her shell" ever since. We are so delighted to have her in the group.
Elder Tinsley, Aimee, Elder McCarthy |
A few weeks later, Jimmy was baptized. He has been coming out to YSA activities for quite a while. His girlfriend is a member. He is a cheerful, happy person, but was even more so at his baptism.
Elder Burt, Jimmy, Jonathan (our YSA president), Elder Winn |
A week ago, we had a "skit night". What we did was divide into two teams. Each team chose from a random selection of props, wigs and hats, and then put together a "skit" using those props. After they practiced their skit, they were each given 3 "lines" from the other team to incorporate into their skit, such as "Pardon me, but I think that penguin stole your Ferrari." It was quite a hilarious night.
Jimmy driving and Aimee behind him |