It has been a good "season of love" and weddings here in Dundee area. Temple weddings are not recognized officially, so the couples first marry in a civil ceremony, then are sealed (usually the next day) at the Preston Temple. So, it's kind of like having a "pre-ception", in that you get all the party stuff done first, then end with the beautiful Temple ceremony. This arrangement does give us the chance to be part of some of the festivities. First, we had the marriage of Mark and Hollie. Mark's dad led the procession into the chapel with his bagpipe, parading down one aisle, up the other, then leading the rest of the wedding party. Mark, as well as his brother were in full kilt. Hollie was a beautiful "princess"-looking bride.
The groom's dad at the church |
Mark and Hollie on the Preston temple grounds |
Next was the marriage of Matthew and Patrice. Mathew comes from a large family, that has 4 YSAs in it! Patrice is from Edinburgh, so we didn't know her that well. They were married at a castle near Perth, before heading to Preston Temple.
Castle wedding |
At Preston Temple |
.The 3rd wedding is coming up soon. Dallin and Claire make such a cute couple, and will be married on November 1.
Dallin and Claire |
This is what it's all about. We hope more YSAs will get on board the marriage train for a wild and wonderful ride..
Those are lovely pictures. How fun to be a part of their celebrations! I didn't realize temple marriages are not recognized there.